10 Effective Ways to Increase Employee Productivity in the Workplace

- By SAVIOM | September 19, 2024
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Imagine a vibrant workplace where employees enthusiastically complete tasks, collaborate seamlessly, stay highly engaged, and consistently achieve project goals. Sounds ideal, right? But how did the firm achieve this? One of the key contributors is implementing effective strategies to increase employee productivity.

Unfortunately, many organizations fall short of this ideal environment and struggle to tap into their team’s full potential, often failing to reach optimal productivity levels. It’s because they often overlook the underlying issues that hold productivity back. This leads to project delays, reduced quality, unhappy clients, and even higher employee turnover.

So, how can businesses fix this? The key is recognizing the signs of low productivity and acting before it’s too late.

Read this blog to discover the common signs of low employee productivity and practical strategies businesses can use to improve it.

Let’s start!

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Signs of Low Employee Productivity in Organizations

It is essential for organizations to identify and address early indicators of low employee productivity to maintain a high-performing workforce. So, if you find any of the below signs in your firm, it’s time to take corrective measures.

Decline in Quality of Work

One of the most common signs of low productivity is the drop in employees’ work standards. Here are a few underlying causes of this indicator:

Consequently, these issues lead to frequent errors, increased rework, and decreased work quality. Over time, this affects project progress, client satisfaction, and the company’s reputation.

Frequent Missed Deadlines

Another indicator of low productivity among employees is missing deadlines continuously. This can result from:

  • Incompetent resource allocations
  • Lack of prioritization of tasks
  • Inadequate support
  • Increased workload

These factors can later cascade as delays in task execution and missed project deadlines that subsequently increase operational costs, strain customer relationships, and impact business profitability.

Read more: Operational Efficiency: What is it, and How to Maximize & Boost ROI?

Low Employee Engagement & Morale

A dip in employee productivity can be due to decreased workforce engagement and morale . This can stem from several factors like:

  • Lack of recognition
  • Inadequate leadership
  • Unequal work distribution
  • Poor workplace culture

This results in decreased enthusiasm and the inability to perform up to company expectations. Subsequently, this affects project outcomes and impacts the firm’s profitability.

Surge in Employee Turnover Rates

Another sign of lowered productivity is the gradual increase in employee turnover rates. A few common factors affecting this are:

  • Lack of career advancement opportunities
  • Absence of a feedback system
  • Poor management practices
  • Inadequate compensation and benefits

Over time, these factors lead to increased stress and lowered morale. As a result, employees may seek better opportunities outside the firm, leading to higher unplanned attrition affecting project progress.

Read more: Ten Effective Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover

Lack of Innovation & Creativity

The absence of innovation and creativity is the final indicator of low productivity. Here are some factors that influence this:

  • Excessive micromanagement
  • Lack of empowerment
  • A rigid work environment
  • Limited coordination and collaboration

When employees are demotivated or feel undervalued, it affects their engagement and job satisfaction and reduces their ability to think outside the box. This stifles creativity and innovation, reducing the company’s capability to respond to market needs and ultimately restricting its growth.

Having understood the common signs of low productivity in employees, let us shift our focus to strategies that will help improve it in firms.

10 Strategies Firms Can Implement to Increase Employee Productivity

According to a report by ActivTrak, “employees were most productive on Tuesdays (6hrs 59mins) compared to Friday which was the least (6hrs 44mins).”

This surprising statistic reveals that productivity levels can vary significantly on different days. So, how can organizations ensure that employees maintain optimal productivity every day?

Here is how:

Establish Performance Benchmarks for Employees

The first strategy for boosting productivity is to set performance benchmarks for all employees. For this, managers should define clear, quantifiable, and realistic targets for every role and resource type. These benchmarks should outline the quality, quantity, and timelines that every employee is expected to adhere to based on their respective roles and responsibilities.

For example, a product company sets a collective quarterly revenue target of $500,000 for the 5-member sales team. Each salesperson must contribute based on their experience level and market focus. As the average deal size is $10,000 per account, each salesperson needs to close at least 2-3 deals per month to stay on track. This goal provides a clear target for the sales team’s performance and helps ensure that productivity remains consistent.

Read more: 9 Effective Tips on Enhancing Employee Performance at Work

Define Roles and KRAs for Every Resource

According to a study by TINYpulse, “23% of employees are willing to stay in the organization if they are provided with clear roles and responsibilities.”

The next fundamental strategy to enhance workforce productivity is to clearly define roles and key responsibility areas. When employees know their roles, duties, and reporting lines from the beginning, they gain a clear understanding of what is expected from them.

This, in turn, facilitates them to work efficiently towards the organizational goals . Thus, companies can prevent ambiguity and prevent confusion or gaps in task executions, thereby improving productivity levels and overall project outcomes.

Allocate Resources Based on their Skills & Interests

When employees are assigned tasks that align with their skills, competencies, and interests, it boosts their motivation and engagement levels. This alignment enables them to work more efficiently, increasing productivity and leading to high-quality deliverables.

For example, a consultant in a financial advisory firm was initially assigned IT-related tasks that didn’t align with his expertise, resulting in low productivity. However, once the manager reassigned him to financial risk analysis projects, where his strengths lay, his productivity improved significantly, leading to better performance and higher-quality outcomes.

Read more: Resource Allocation: A Guide on How to Apply it to Project Management

Maintain Optimal Utilization Levels of Employees

As per a report by Workstatus, “41% of employees indicated that increased work stress impacted their productivity negatively.”

This statistic underscores the importance of maintaining optimal utilization levels for employees. Managers should regularly track resource utilization to ensure they are neither underutilized, which can lead to disengagement, nor overutilized, which may result in stress and burnout.

When employees are overutilized, managers can implement resource smoothing or leveling techniques to evenly distribute workloads. Conversely, for underutilized employees, additional tasks can be assigned to keep them engaged. This approach helps build a more productive workforce.

Develop Upskilling Programs for Career Growth

One of the key factors in boosting employee performance is providing them with opportunities to upskill and grow within their roles. This enables them to perform tasks with greater accuracy, reducing errors and rework. Additionally, it enhances their efficiency and effectiveness, empowering them to grow and advance in their careers.

Organizations can achieve this by implementing training programs, facilitating peer-to-peer coaching, offering mentorship, organizing workshops, and providing access to e-learning platforms. These initiatives support skill development and professional growth, leading to increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction, and reduced turnover rates.

Read more: How Can Retraining/Upskilling Future-Proof Your Workforce?

Offer Flexible Work Hours, PTO & Proper Compensation

A report by Workstatus states that “83% of employees assume that they do not have to work from the office to be productive.”

Granting flexible work hours, paid time off, and proper compensation are other effective strategies to increase employee productivity in the firm. First, flexible work hours allow employees to maintain their work-life balance, improving focus and job satisfaction.

At the same time, paid time off helps employees feel rejuvenated, which is essential to prevent burnout. Additionally, providing attractive compensation makes them feel valued, fostering loyalty and sustaining productivity. Combined, this results in a more engaged, motivated, and high-performing workforce.

Empower Your Workforce with Autonomy

A study by Forbes asserts that “71% of workers confirmed that micromanagement has interfered with their workplace performance.”

It is a common misconception among managers that micromanaging employees improves productivity. However, when employees are given the autonomy to make decisions pertinent to their roles and responsibilities, they are likely to complete the tasks efficiently, increasing job satisfaction.

This approach fosters trust, accountability, and confidence, allowing employees to utilize their skills without constant oversight. It leads to improved decision-making, higher productivity, greater overall employee satisfaction, and increased project success.

Read more: How Can Employee Empowerment Enhance Productivity?

Provide Performance Feedback Regularly

A Gallup study highlights that “employees are 2.7 times more engaged at work when managers give them weekly performance feedback.”

Regular performance feedback is an efficient strategy to improve employee productivity as it helps foster continuous development. When employees are given real-time constructive feedback on their areas of weakness, improvement, and strength, it allows them to course-correct their performance to meet expectations.

Moreover, it increases transparency, instills trust, and enhances communication as employees feel supported. This, in turn, increases motivation, driving individual and team performance, and ensures that employees remain aligned with organizational goals and expectations.

Acknowledge & Reward Employee Achievements

According to a report by Deloitte, “Companies with recognition programs witness a 14% increase in employee engagement, productivity, and performance.”

When employees receive recognition and rewards for their contributions, it validates their hard work and dedication, boosting their morale and engagement. Incentives such as gift cards, bonuses, appreciation emails, verbal praise, and social media shoutouts can effectively motivate employees to maintain or exceed their current performance levels.

Additionally, this practice fosters a positive work culture and inspires others to strive for similar achievements. By regularly recognizing and rewarding outstanding performance, organizations can drive sustained productivity, build a loyal and high-performing team, and ultimately increase retention rates.

Read more: Talent Management Best Practices: 10 Ways Firms Can Enhance Business Efficiency

Automate Routine & Repetitive Tasks

When employees are offered the opportunity to use tools and technologies to automate mundane tasks, it cuts down the unnecessary time and effort spent on them. Simultaneously, employees can focus on higher-level responsibilities that require creativity, critical thinking, and decision-making, maximizing their organizational contributions.

Furthermore, automation helps organizations streamline workflows, improve accuracy, reduce operational costs, and speed up task execution. Thus, it improves job satisfaction and creates an agile workforce, ultimately enhancing overall productivity and deliverable quality.

Final Thoughts

Employee productivity is a critical KPI for every organization, and achieving it at maximum levels is key to enhancing business efficiency, profitability, and ROI. By implementing the above strategies, organizations can foster a supportive environment that values clear communication, professional development, and work-life balance. As a result, employee productivity will increase, leading to high-quality outcomes and a competitive edge in the business landscape.

The Glossary

Read More: Glossary of Resource Workforce Planning, Scheduling and Management

The SAVIOM Solution

SAVIOM is undoubtedly the market leader in offering the most powerful and configurable Enterprise Resource Management Solution. Having more than 20 years of experience, this Australian-based MNC has a global presence in over 50 countries. It is also popular with more than 100 customers and helps them to achieve their business goals. SAVIOM also has products for project portfolio management, professional service automation, and workforce planning software, which can be easily customized per business requirements.

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